The first header I found was on
It's a perfect header for this website. It has a very ethereal, dreamlike feel that doesn't detract from the posts in this site. The site discusses blog design and offers tips and links to help you improve your site. Although most sites on web design tend to be more rigid and business like, I really like how the header emphasizes their theme of dreaming up unique ideas for your site.
The second website I found was
The website advertises a fun family vacation in Cascadia and the header emphasizes the fun. It's a happy bright color that blends with the rest of the page well. It also includes images of relevant locations you can visit on your trip. I especially like how the text and links blend well into the header and the entire header bleeds into the main page smoothly. It kind of reminds of the giant mural on most Trader Joe grocery stores.
This last website I found was really pretty
I like how soft and feminine the header is. It goes well with the title emphasizing freedom. The only thing I might have changed was to increase the size of the title. It almost blends in a bit too much. However, if they truly want to emphasize the clothes then pulling the title back definitely achieves that . I especially like the colors in the header. It is very desaturated and is consistent throughout the site. That pink and gray is used in the middle section as well.